In the restricted sexual life and the reality of love less life of individuals, Prostitution is a reality. There has legal framework for Prostitution. But It is true that, most of the people still feeling embarrassed to talk about this age old ancient profession. In the world, in many countries prostitution as a legal profession and they paid regular tax to government.
1. brothels are the place of main attraction in Holland.
In Netherlander, prostitution is completely a legal profession. brothels of this country has popularity all over the world. A lot of tourist come to Amsterdam to see 'Red Light Zone'. Like Netherlands,Belgium also give complete legal status to prostitution.
2. In Germany and France prostitution is legal but has very strict laws.
In Germany and France, has legal prostitution. but prostitute has to follow strict laws. In Germany and France can collect customers from street.
3. In Sweden and Norway has controlled prostitution
France has strict law for prostitution from 2014. but this law first introduce in Sweden in 1998. for this reason its called Swedish model. Norway and Sweden has strict law for broker, considering rights of prostitute.
4. Switzerland and Austria has to take medical checkup
In Switzerland and Austria, prostitution is legal but age under 19 can't come into this profession. like Aids, can carry into prostitution. For that reason regular medical checkup is mandatory.
5. In Greece and Turkish has controlled prostitution
6. In South America prostitution has different laws.
7. In Australia and Newzeland has different laws.
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