Singh Is Bliing is an upcoming Bollywood action comedy film directed by Prabhudheva. This action movie produced by Grazing Goat Pictures. Akshay Kumar, Amy Jackson, Lara Dutta and Kay Kay Menon in lead roles. It started filming on April 3 2015 in Patiala, and is currently expected to release on 2nd October 2015.
It is the second movie of Akshay Kumar and Probhudheva. Their fisrt film was Rowdy Rathore. At that time It was a news that, they will reunite again and making a great film. Soon after, it was confirmed that the film is titled Singh Is Bliing and is to be produced by Grazing Goat Pictures. A tentative release date of 31 July 2015 was included, only to be later changed to 2 October 2015. One of the songs of the film was attached to another project of Akshay Kumar Brothers.
After Akshay Kumar was signed on for the lead role, Kriti Sanon was signed on for the female lead. After training for the role, Sanon eventually quit the role and opted out for the film, and was then replaced by Amy Jackson. In March 2015, it was revealed that Lara Dutta is hoping to make a comeback to films with Singh Is Bling. In May 2015 Bipasha Basu played the role of Mrs.Singh in the cast.Kay Kay Menon will be seen playing a negative role in this film. Vivek Oberoi will be seen in a supporting role and will be an antagonist .The final portion of the film including the climax is to be shot in Romania from the first week of July.
Let see the singh is bling movie song and trailer......
It is the second movie of Akshay Kumar and Probhudheva. Their fisrt film was Rowdy Rathore. At that time It was a news that, they will reunite again and making a great film. Soon after, it was confirmed that the film is titled Singh Is Bliing and is to be produced by Grazing Goat Pictures. A tentative release date of 31 July 2015 was included, only to be later changed to 2 October 2015. One of the songs of the film was attached to another project of Akshay Kumar Brothers.
After Akshay Kumar was signed on for the lead role, Kriti Sanon was signed on for the female lead. After training for the role, Sanon eventually quit the role and opted out for the film, and was then replaced by Amy Jackson. In March 2015, it was revealed that Lara Dutta is hoping to make a comeback to films with Singh Is Bling. In May 2015 Bipasha Basu played the role of Mrs.Singh in the cast.Kay Kay Menon will be seen playing a negative role in this film. Vivek Oberoi will be seen in a supporting role and will be an antagonist .The final portion of the film including the climax is to be shot in Romania from the first week of July.
Let see the singh is bling movie song and trailer......